Syringomyelia-Chiari 2018 International Symposium

The Syringomyelia-Chiari 2018 international symposium is an upcoming educational event scheduled to take place in Birmingham, UK, from July 17 to 20, 2018. This symposium, held with the support of organizations dedicated to advancing research and awareness, aims to continue the success of similar conferences hosted worldwide over the past decade.
Previous events in this series have taken place in locations such as Rugby, UK (2007), Berlin (2010), Sydney (2013), and Long Island, New York (2017). The most recent conference focused on Chiari malformations and syringomyelia, featuring presentations by experts from various countries. Syringomyelia-Chiari 2018 will build on these discussions, providing an opportunity for invited papers and in-depth exploration of these conditions. Including Chiari in the title highlights the significant overlap between these medical areas, reflecting the broader focus of this event.
Scientists and clinicians worldwide are encouraged to participate, sharing their knowledge and experience in this evolving field. Keynote addresses from internationally recognized experts will further enrich the program, offering fresh insights and fostering collaboration among attendees.
Topics available for coverage include:
- Historical aspects/Biography
- Nomenclature/Classification
- Genetics/Epidemiology
- Anatomy/Embryology
- Physiology/Pathology
- Molecular biology
- Experimental work/Modelling
- Clinical presentation/Natural history
- Hypermobility syndromes
- Radiology/Other investigations
- Surgical techniques
- Audits/Outcome assessment
- Pain management/Non-surgical Therapy
- Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy
- Paediatric aspects
- Obstetric aspects
- Veterinary aspects
- International collaboration
- Patient perspectives
The conference will be of interest to:
- Neurosurgeons
- Neurologists
- Neurological scientists
- Veterinary neurologists
- Pain management specialists
- Rheumatologists
- Geneticists
- Obstetricians
- Neuroradiologists
- Neuropathologists
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Nurses and other Allied Health Professionals with an interest in neurological conditions
- Patient support group representatives
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